Some Tips :
1) Always
insure yourself at and early age
Insure all members of your Family
3) Always take a policy which gives money back option
4) Always take a Term Insurance for lower premium
5) Take insurance up to 15 times of your income
6) Always pay premium on time
7) Always spread your risk with different type of plan
8) when your policy Matura's there must be a company to pay
you. Always buy insurance from a reputed Company as
insurance is always for a longer period.
9) Check the companies claim settlement ratio.
10) Always nominate your nearest relative
11) Death is certain, so Insure today and get secure.
If life insurance buying is approached in the proper manner
it can be very beneficial to yourself and your family. You
need to take the time to give some thought to a subject that
can be very unpleasant. I guess that is why most people
don't think about it, or at best think about it only after
they have had a brush with death, or when a life insurance
professional brings up the subject. Sometimes these people
wait until it is too late to do something about such a
critical matter.
They find themselves uninsurable when they discover they
have some critical illness. People should give life
insurance buying serious thought at least once per year as
ones situation may change and you find that your need for
life insurance may change as a result.